5 Best Professional Browsers for Windows 10
The web browser is a much-needed application for each and every system connected to the internet. You can browse the internet only through Web browsers. There are many web browsers available for Windows Platform and only very few are used mostly by the people. Windows 10 comes with its default web browser Internet Explorer, but people are addicted to other browsers than it. Here is the list of Best web browsers for Windows 10 in 2013. You can simply go through the list and choose the best one that suits your needs.
1. Google Chrome

Google Chrome is the Best Browser for Windows 10 because of many useful and unique features of it. Personally, I recommend this because browsing the internet on Google Chrome give a good browsing Experience. Google Chrome loads the web pages faster than the default browser (Internet Explorer). We can make our browsing experience much more enjoyable by adding themes to the chrome. There is a wide range of theme available for it. You can pick any theme you wish in just a single click. There are Hell lot of extensions available for Google Chrome, which allows us to play many tricks with it. Google Chrome also provides real security while surfing the internet.
Rating: 5/5
2. Mozilla Firefox

Till the release of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox used to by Best Browser for Windows Platform. Even now Millions of people are using Mozilla Firefox, because of its features. Add-ons and extensions in it allows us to do many tweaks. Mozilla Firefox comes out with an excellent User interface. It’s quite easy to deal with it. Firefox web browser is well optimized to perform faster. It comes with synchronization feature which enables us to share our bookmarks, history and saved passwords from one device to another easily.
Rating 4.9 / 5
3. Opera

You can browse the internet faster than the standard speed by using the TURBO mode. You can arrange all your favorite website in speed dials so that you can access them with a single click whenever you needs them. You can add as many as speed dials you want. Using opera link you can carry all your Saved Passwords, Bookmarks, speed dials so that you can access them instantly whenever you wish. There are a lot of Keyboard shortcuts available for the Opera for easy usage.
Rating 4.8/5
4. Maxthon Web Browser

Maxthon is a Cool Web browser, and it deserves a place in the 5 Best web browsers for Windows 10. It comes out with thousands of available extensions. Maxthon is 100 % safe for web browsing, and it will protect from the spyware and virus. It has a Filter pack which removes all the irritating pop-up pages and ads instantly.
Rating 4/5
5. Internet Explorer 10

I don’t usually prefer using Internet Explorer because it is very slow when compared to any other web browser mentioned above. There is famous Joke on the web about IE that “Internet Explorer is the best browser to download other Browsers”. Many jokes are floating on internet explorer as it gets even hangs sometimes while using it. Though Microsoft it updating it frequently none can stop it from getting crashed.
Rating 3.5/ 5
So that's the list of the Best 5 Browsers for Windows 10, hope you like. Don't you agree with our list, well if so please comment below about your opinion on this list of Top 5 browsers for Windows 10