In this post, I am going to show you "Access Facebook on any Mobile Without Internet connection". Do you have an old mobile phone, like the Nokia 1100, or even it is a black and white mobile that has no browser and can do little more than make phone calls? Or are you stuck in some remote place where there’s no Internet or no other form of data (EGDE/GPRS/3G) connectivity is available?

Not a problem. You can still use your Facebook account in India by dialing *325# (or *fbk#) from your mobile phone – this service requires no data plan or The internet, and it will even work on phones of the Stone Age.
Facebook India has partnered with Fonetwish to bring Facebook on every mobile phone without requiring any apps or even the Internet.
You dial the *325# number, then enter your Facebook username and password, and you are in. You can then send number based commands to access various features of Facebook, chat with friends who are online, add new people to your buddy's list and more.
- Your basic info.
- Your email address (
- Your profile info: description, activities, birthday, education history, groups, hometown, interests, likes, location, relationship status, relationship details, religious and political views, website and work history.
- Your stories: events, notes, photos, status updates, and videos.
- Friends’ profile info: descriptions, activities, birthdays, education histories, groups, hometowns, interests, likes, locations, relationship statuses, relationship details, religious and political views, web sites and work histories.
- Stories shared with you: events, notes, photos, status updates, and videos.
- Access to post on your behalf.
- Access to messages in your inbox.
- Access to posts in your News Feed.
- Access my friend requests.
- Permission to publish check-ins on your behalf.
It may be too much work to read your Facebook news feed stories one by one, but this is a good option to update your Facebook status quickly or for chatting with friends who are online. The price is reasonable too – you just have paid a subscription fee of 1.00 per day for unlimited usage. Please share this post.
very nice news