1. Content is King

Today, regardless of how good your content is, if you know no one in your niche, nobody will give a preference about what you write. So who is the king now?
One word: Connections.
2. Keep Trying
“Just keep trying and you will succeed!” Bloggers love saying this, and while it might not be a totally a lie, it’s not the whole truth, either. It’s entirely possible that you’ll work your ass off and never make a dime. Sometimes, quitting is the best option.3. Great Post!
Be honest, you never read it! How many times have you or someone you know commented on a post you didn’t finish or even try to understand? It happens more often than you think.4. SEO is King

Truthfully, even if you have connections to those big blogs through links in your content, you still won’t get the first spot on Google.
5. More Traffic = More Money
Have you heard of a blog called “The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs?” As its name suggests, it’s a fake blog supposedly written by Steve Jobs. The blogger’s actual identity was revealed in the New York Times, which sent a half-million people to his blog in one day. Nice, right?And how much did he earn from that single day? You won’t believe it: about $100 in Adsense. Can you imagine getting half-million visitors and making only a hundred dollars? Now tell me: do you still think that more traffic = more money?
6. I Don’t Blog for Money
Unless you’re blogging about personal stuff, please don’t tell me you don’t blog for money. Everyone, including me, intends to make money via our blog at some point.7. Must Post Daily
This is one of the biggest lies out there. It causes every blogger to throw their hard work to the devil. Posting daily is totally up to you. It purely depends on the niche. Don’t believe in this statement unless you have the resources and the ability to post daily.8. I Care About You
Many bloggers say this – even professionals and gurus. The truth is, they really care if You see the word “if”? Well, that means they care “if” you follow their instructions, which usually means buying their stuff.Of course, they’re not superheroes. They’re just like us. It’s up to you to decide who you want to listen to.
9. Anyone Can Do It
Ask yourself how much information you’ve learned compared to how much action you’ve actually taken. There’s a limit to what we can do – not because of our resources, but because our mind is lazy.If anyone can do it, there would be thousands or even millions of Steve Jobs and plenty of Apples competing for our pocketbooks.
10. Posts Should Be Long
The people who post advice on how many words you should post are typically individuals who don’t have anything to post. It totally depends on the post.Just remember this sentence: There is no long or short content, only boring content.
11. You Don’t Need Experience
Try driving a car without any experience, and see how well you drive. Now, try blogging without experience and see if you can make money blogging. The truth is that everything you do in blogging just builds experience. Without it, you’ll never learn.So, heard any more shitty lies you’d like to share? :P
YEah. those bitter truth.